With a career that spanned fifty years of cinema and thanks to the awards he won in Venice, Cannes and Berlin, Otar Ioseliani is a reference point for film lovers all over the world. He passed away on December 17th 2023, and on Friday February 2nd he would have been 90 years old: on that very day Casa del Cinema will screen (at 8 pm) his last film, Chant d’Hiver, which he made in 2015. There will be many guest speakers on that occasion: from the director’s family to many protagonists of Italian cinema, first and foremost Enrico Ghezzi who even served as an actor in Chant d’Hiver.
Event organized by Luciano Barcaroli, Carlo Shalom Hintermann, Daniele Villa Zorn and created in collaboration with Casa del Cinema | We would like to thank the Associazione Culturale La Farfalla sul Mirino.