Tribute to Gianni Minà

Start date
27 March 2024
Data di fine
27 March 2024

One year after his death, Casa del Cinema will commemorate Gianni Minà with a free screening of Gianni Minà, a voce alta, a collection of original materials, filmed during the Forum Social Mundial in Porto Alegre between 2003 and 2005, which represents the only extensive documentation of the event today. The initiative is the product of a collaboration with the Fondazione Gianni Minà ETS which, after the screening, will present the new platform dedicated to the great journalist’s valuable archive. The event wil be attended by Loredana Macchietti Minà (president of the Fondazione), Felice Laudadio (film critic and producer), Giuseppe De Marzo (economist and writer), Corrado Trione (vice-president of Archivissima) and Francesca Emilia Minà (digital editor and visual researcher).

  • Start date
    27 March 2024 18:30
  • Status
  • Location
    • Sala Cinecittà
  • Category
