Ticket Office

The Casa del Cinema Ticket Office and Infopoint is open at the following times:
– Monday to Sunday 10-22

Tickets for paid screenings can be purchased at the box office, located at the Casa del Cinema, or online through on this website or Boxol.


Casa del Cinema passes can be purchased at the Casa del Cinema di Roma box office or online through the BOXOL website. All passes

Reduced fares are available to:
all students of any level and grade, upon presentation of a valid student ID card/document (20% discount on 1 ticket);
– those aged under 25 or over 65, on presentation of a valid ID (10% discount on 1 ticket);
affiliated entities

The above promotional rates will be applied only at the Casa del Cinema Box Office.

Admission to the screenings and the free activities scheduled at Casa del Cinema and open to the public, is allowed upon collection of the coupon (starting 30 minutes before the beginning of the event you wish to attend) while seats last. The list of events in the programme, with dates and times, may be consulted on the website. This does not apply to the screenings and the activities open to the public that will be held in the Arena during the months of June, July, August and September, which may be accessed freely on a first come first serve basis.

Tickets for the disabled must be purchased exclusively at the ticket offices of Casa del Cinema, upon presentation of the required legal certifications (Law 104). The caretaker assisting a non-ambulatory disabled person is eligible for a free ticket, and the disabled person for a 20% discount on the ticket price, whereas persons with a grave disability certified over 70%  are granted a 20% discount on the purchase of two tickets.

Our audiences are respectfully reminded that admission into the theatres is allowed up to the start of the screening in all theatres, and that for reasons of security no large suitcases or bags will be allowed into the theatres. We advise spectators to come to the entrance gates in advance, to avoid any inconvenience. No one will be allowed to enter the theatre after the screening has begun.
Failure to present the ticket will preclude admission to the screening or the events, and does not entitle the holder to a refund.
In all the theatres of Casa del Cinema, seating will be assigned in compliance with applicable regulations. For this purpose, while purchasing tickets please make certain to select the correct number of seats, and check the recommended age for viewing. Any error will be the responsibility of the purchaser and may make it impossible to participate in the event.
Any films prohibited to minors will be indicated in the programme.
All cell phones must be rigorously turned off during the screenings. Anti-piracy controls are in operation in the screening rooms. It is strictly prohibited to make audio-visual recordings with any type of device. Violators will be asked to leave and charges will be pressed for violation of anti-piracy laws.
Lost tickets will neither be duplicated nor reimbursed. Tickets may not be exchanged, unless the event they are purchased for has been cancelled.

All screenings are in the original language version with subtitles, any exceptions will be announced.

Starting in March 2024, viewers can bring their dogs to some of the screenings at Casa del Cinema, which will be specially marked in the programme. More specifically, dogs will be admitted to the afternon weekday screenings in Sala Cinecittà produced by the Fondazione Cinema per Roma.
Tickets may be purchased exclusively at the ticket office of Casa del Ciinema. A limited number of dogs will be admitted to each screening, on a first come first serve basis.
The dogs and their owners will be seated in the front row, reserved for them, to allow the owners to leave quickly if the dog is in distress or should there be any other problem. In order to guarantee a proper distance between the animals, for each dog admitted to the theatre each owner may purchase a maximum of two tickets in the dedicated row. Any other person accompanying the dog may purchase a ticket for other available rows.
The dogs may not climb up onto the seats but may occupy a special mat positioned in front of the front row. Only small dogs may be held in their owners’ laps.
The dogs must be fully vaccinated, have been treated against parasites and be in excellent health. They must also wear a collar or harness and a leash in good condition. Theatre staff may conduct spot checks.
Owners must make certain their dogs take care of any physiological needs they may have before entering the theatre; should your dog relieve itself inside Casa del Cinema, you will be responsible for cleaning up after it.
The owners are personally responsible for any physical or material damage caused by their dogs; the dogs must therefore be accopanied by at least one adult who will be responsible for their behaviour and for keeping them under control, taking care of any needs they may have during the film.
Should the dog have any problems or be in distress, the owner must leave the theatre, to avoid disturbing the other spectators.

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